Brookwood provided virtual producer expertise, training, and support to the NDRN staff and speakers throughout the planning and execution phases.
During planning, Brookwood worked with NDRN to assure the assistive technology functioned as expected, with recommendations to support clarity for participant instructions. This included vetting a new Zoom feature that allows the assigned sign-language interpreter video to be viewed in a floating and resizable window for those who choose the option. Obstacles to this feature were identified with simple solutions communicated to the interpreter teams.
The need for language translation arose shortly before the conference kickoff. This Zoom feature was tested and vetted with the translation team to ensure that those requiring this accessibility feature were able to access it for all sessions, including those with breakout sessions.
From creating and adapting the producer workflow / SOP, encompassing implemented assistive technology, interactive polling, and CLE credits fulfillment, Brookwood worked with NDRN event planners, speakers, and moderators to ensure everyone was on the same page.