NDRN 2023 Annual Virtual Conference

NDRN (National Disability Right Network) hosted its 2023 Virtual Conference via Zoom. Their first virtual conference in 2020 was conducted via Adobe Connect (click here for case study). Brookwood was again selected to partner with NDRN’s team to produce the conference.

NDRN Image


"Once again the Brookwood production team has come through for us with a fantastic event. Thank you all so much for your hard work this week and in preparation for our event. I know it was not always easy, and I appreciate your grace under pressure, adaptability, and calming influence. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is always a pleasure to work with you all!"

Marcia Baldwin

Deputy Executive Director for Training and Operations National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
The Requirement

Prep for and produce 39 virtual sessions via Zoom over 4 days, with 3-4 sessions running concurrently. Prep included planning meetings, as well as meeting with each session team to determine a unique flow and rehearse. The entire production team met throughout the planning and rehearsal stages to coordinate and stay the course. Based on participant feedback from prior virtual conferences, the main concern was ensuring that participants had full accessibility through assistive technology, interaction throughout the sessions, CLE credit fulfillment, and a seamless flow of information. To paint a picture – more people, more tech tools, and more moving parts!

The Solution

Brookwood provided virtual producer expertise, training, and support to the NDRN staff and speakers throughout the planning and execution phases.

During planning, Brookwood worked with NDRN to assure the assistive technology functioned as expected, with recommendations to support clarity for participant instructions. This included vetting a new Zoom feature that allows the assigned sign-language interpreter video to be viewed in a floating and resizable window for those who choose the option. Obstacles to this feature were identified with simple solutions communicated to the interpreter teams.

The need for language translation arose shortly before the conference kickoff. This Zoom feature was tested and vetted with the translation team to ensure that those requiring this accessibility feature were able to access it for all sessions, including those with breakout sessions.

From creating and adapting the producer workflow / SOP, encompassing implemented assistive technology, interactive polling, and CLE credits fulfillment, Brookwood worked with NDRN event planners, speakers, and moderators to ensure everyone was on the same page.

The Result

Brookwood helped NDRN make the conference a great success. 39 sessions were conducted over 4 days.

The Brookwood team’s producer experience, best practices, technical capability and support ensured each session was conducted with high levels of engagement, interactivity, and success.